Friday, October 2, 2009

home again!

What a long day yesterday was!!
We left Norfolk around 8:30 and drove to Nottoway. The wild grapes this year were most abundant and I wanted to get a harvest so I can make more jelly. I got 3 WM bags full; I should be able to do some interesting things with them.
From Nottoway, it was on to Roanoke. We pulled in to the parking garage at about quarter after 3. My appointment was at 3:30. I finally got seen sometime after 5:30. 5:30!!! Then, the nurse got a little freaked out that my arm was still so swollen and there was a little fluid when she started taking out the staples. The doctor came to look at it and said it was fine, that there had been so much deep tissue injury that it would take longer for the swelling to go away. So I got the staples out and got some sort of butterfly bandages put on that will stay for a few days, and then I'm done. I go back in a month for just one more x-ray to be sure all is well. There's not a whole lotta chance it won't be though; you should see the hardware he put in there. Its two plates, each almost the length of mt humerus. One is on the inside of the bone set down a couple inches from my shoulder and extending to my elbow. The other is screwed or drilled into the ball of my shoulder joint. I could use that arm for a bat and it still wouldn't break!!
After a Chic-Fil-A treat, we finally made it home around 8. Everyone (except Andy, who had school) went directly to bed. Unfortunately, early to bed means early to rise and they were all up at 6:30 this morning. Maybe tomorrow we'll get back on schedule. Meanwhile, today, I have to get some little attitudes adjusted and some habits trained back in and out. I'm running on extra strength Tylenol and prayer, biding my time till Andy gets home and we can do our Friday night WalMart run.
Here we go again, me with a bit of a gimp arm, but I think I'll manage somehow!

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