Saturday, November 1, 2008


h (We never found her other black-patent-leather shoe to wear)

I was dreading it all day - just because of the candy fight we'd have, and actually it turned out to be a good night. Hannah seems keen on the idea of two pieces a day (after Daddy-o and I scarfed good ones and squirreled away others for candy-bar cookies, etc.). She was pretty thrilled by the small toys, stickers and tattoos given away, too. Abigail liked a little plastic frog that jumps when you press a lever near its bottom.
Again this year, we went to the neighbors' first, then to our church for Trunk-or-Treat. One thing that is impossible is getting little girls and little boys to sit still for pictures as you will see...
Especially when it was Hannah's first time in a "jumper". She had a blast. I was glad because it was helping to equalize out some of the sugar she'd consumed!
The girls and some of their friends....we had a witch, another firefighter, a dragon, a monkey, and a creature from Star Wars!
Andy made friends with some of the less fortunate - here he is with Hobo Joe....
And he shared a laugh with one of the less than less fortunate:

And all in all a very good time. Faith Baptist does this Trunk or Treat as a ministry to the community and members donate candy, time, money and food. The church youth were in charge of the games and every single one of them did a wonderful job. I was so impressed - again, as always. There are more pictures on the church's web site if you're interested (the pictures weren't up yet this morning, but they will be later today, I'm sure...just loof for the date and click):

Personally, I'm not big on Halloween just because of the costumes that are promoted - either too gory or sleezy, but it can be so much fun for kids when adults set the right tone.

- home by 8:30, girls in bed and asleep before 9:30. Good night!

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