Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Doesn't this look sooooo good? It was one of the last! I canned the rest of my homemade marinara sauce this morning with the last of the maters.
Next year, I'm going to do sunflowers right. I only had a couple packs of seed; I think these came from Dollar tree and my birdfeeder. Should have planted more, More, MORE!
The bees didn't mind!
See my gourds? They aren't harvested until after the first frost, then I'll hang them up in pantyhoe from the rafters in the attic to dry. For months.

OK, and then last week we went for a short walk over in Falling Spring near the Jackson River Trail. Part of our walk was on an abandoned road and bridge. We saw beautiful wildflowers....

beautiful bugs....look closely at the pink blooms....

more wildlife (allow me to draw your attention to the knees).....
and of course, pure beauty.....

then it was time to go home.
But I picked a couple handfuls of sumac berries and when we got home we enjoyed some refreshing sumac tea. Mmmmm! Tasty! And so good for you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heidi, you take such great photos, you should think about entering them in contests like the Fall Festival Art show and the WV State Fair. Expecially the one of the wildflowers with the mountains in the background.