Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wal-Mart Restriction

I had to do it. We went over 2 weeks without setting foot in Wal-Mart - a major feat, considering that there are only three places to buy groceries here...including WM....but yesterday I succombed. There were 2 things there that the other 2 stores (Food Lion & Bartley's Meat Market) don't carry. SO, I gave in, and OF COURSE bought things that put me over my budget. I just can't control the impulse shopping there! I bought $8 worth of plants- roots, really - that probably won't even grow. I planted 'em anyways yesterday. The only good thing was that I found four finger-sized grub worms that were tasty afternoon treats for the chicken girls. Anyways, back on restriction for me. WM's marketing and sales methods are just too much for me. I bought Ritz crackers b/c we were out - logical purchase, but if I would have waited 12 hours I would have gotten them BOGO at Food Lion. The cheese purchase was only slightly higher than in FL's ad, but STILL. On the plus side, at the suggestion of some of the other blogs I've read here, I considered CVS' ad on Sunday and signed up for their savings card. As a result, I got BOGO dipes for the Sugar Baby. They didn't have overnights in "The Good Humor Man"'s size on sale, so we were out of luck. Just the same, it was the least amount I've paid for dipes since the big one was a baby. Some consolation!
That's all for now. We've got Storytime at the library today and I have to put on my sackcloth. I still haven't found those library books. I did confess my sins (and my irresponsibility) to the librarian however {who knows my history of high fines; she goes to my church and I wonder if she knows that my fine has been higher than my tithe at times}. She said that there were only 2 books listed as missing. Well, that's a relief. But not, too, because it means I returned one and didn't even remember returning it! What kills me is that I had a system going! I was keeping all library books in a basket on my bookshelf. I moved them frm there to the counter by the back door and .... then they were beamed up to the Starship Enterprise or something. I give up.
P.S. AHEM. Someone Significantly Other to me suggested that if I have time to blog, I need a job. Well! It only takes a couple minutes here and there. Really!


Anonymous said...

A JOB!!?? Puh-leeze. Don't even respond, just point to the two little ones and raise your eyebrows, just a little. BTW, I put myself on WM restriction, even tho it cost a little more at Farm Fresh, but good greif I can't walk in there without spending $300.00 easy. On crap, no less. You need to get an RSS feed so I will know instantly when you update, okay chickee? Love ya, and don't ever stop writing!

Gilmore Girls said...

I am about to wet my pants! "The Good Humor Man size of overnight diapers?????"
THAT is one of the funniest things that I have ever heard!
Love you guys and miss you,