Monday, October 6, 2008


I forgot why I even started looking at Facebook yesterday anyways. I think I was looking up someone from high school, but it just totally snowballed on me from there. Yikes! Turns out that I had signed up for it and had created a profile back - I guess, 2 or 3 years ago, because there is a pix of me with Hannah in the baby sling on our Gettysburg trip. I think she was 7 months.
Anyways, it is a hoppin' place! Much too tempting for me....because don'tcha know that (sitting side by side), Andy and I each looked up former gf's and bf's (and I even looked for some bff's) for an hour. An hour that we can never get back!
Then, we looked up folks from school, former churches, neighbors, and so on. We could have spent hours and hours. You never get to the end of it! Personally, I like my blog much better. Maybe I'm selfish, because its all about me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm also not too tempted to stay on too long - I don't even spellcheck half the time!!
Don't get me wrong, half of our former church members have Facebook pages. I just don't have time for it, myself! Then there's that temptation to . . . . well, fill in the blank. My social calendar is full: grocery shopping, cleaning, playdates, storytime at the library and boring mom stuff.
That said, I'm off to bed. I have apples and too-ripe pears in the crock pot on low for warm applesauce for breakfast. YUM! more thing before I go. Andy and I heard something kind of "yip-bark-kikkik"ing in the back yard Thursday night. We knew it wasn't foxes, and didn't think it could be dogs - but the more we listened, we knew it was something - well, different. Turns out it was COYOTEs! Our n/d neighbor said he saw them in his back yard down by the creek. Hoowahh!

1 comment:

Gilmore Girls said...

I'm with you - I signed up for Facebook as part of a fundraiser - and I check to see what people have put up - but I don't really see the appeal. I want to know the rest of the sentence ... That's why I like reading blogs (even though I don't have one!)